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백시선 1권 13편~20편 13편에서 20편 까지는 구체적인 사건 사고를 콕 짚어서 해석할 수 있는 단서 있는 단어가 없다. 노스트라다무스 사후 프랑스 역사의 동향을 서사시적으로 표현하고 있다. 백시선(centuries) 1권(券) 13편(篇) ~20편 [프랑스어] 1권(券) 13편(篇) ~20편 13편 Les exilez par ire, haine intestine Feront au Roy granp'coniuration, Secret mettront ennemys par la mine, Et ses vieux siens contre eux sedition. 14편 De gens esclaue, chansons, chants & requestes Captifs par Princes & Seigneur aux prisons. A .. 2023. 11. 25.
[Nostradamus]백시선 1권 12편_베로나를 통치하리라. 백시선(centuries) 1권(券) 12편(篇) 사행시(四行詩) [프랑스어] Dans peu dira fauce brute fragile, De bas en haut, efleué promptement, Puis en intant desloayale & labile, Qui de Veronne aura gouuernement. [영어] There will soon be talk of a treacherous man, who rules a short time, quickly raised from low to high estate. He will suddenly turn disloyal and volatile. This man will govern Verona. [한국어] 믿을 수 없는 자의 이야기가 곧 .. 2023. 11. 13.
[Nostradamus]백시선 1권 11편_합의를 성사시키리라. 백시선(centuries) 1권(券) 11편(篇) 사행시(四行詩) [프랑스어] Le mouuement de sens, cœur, pieds & mains Seront d'accord, Naples, Leon, Secile. Glaiues, feux, eaux, puis aux nobles Romains Plongez, tuez, morts par cerueau debile. [영어] The motion of senses, heart, feet and hands will be in agreement between Naples, Lyon and Sicily. Swords fire, floods, then the noble Romans drowned, killed or dead because of a weak.. 2023. 11. 4.
[Nostradamus]백시선 1권 10편_철창 감옥안으로 놓여지리라. 백시선(centuries) 1권(券) 10편(篇) 사행시(四行詩) [프랑스어] Serpens transmis dans la cage de fer, Oú les enfans septains du Roy sont pris Les vieux & peres sortiront bas d'enfer, Ains mourir voir de son fruict mort & cris. [영어] A coffin is put into the vault of iron, where seven children of the king are held. The ancestors and forebears will come forth from the depths of hell, lamenting to see thus dead the fru.. 2023. 10. 20.
[Nostradamus]백시선 1권 9편_하드리와 로물루스의 후계자 백시선(centuries) 1권(券) 9편(篇) 사행시(四行詩) [프랑스어] De l'Orient viendra le cœur Punique, Facher Hadrie & les hoirs Romulides, Accompagné de la classe Libique Trembler Mellites, & proches Isles vuides. ▶ Orient 동양 ▶ viendra 오다 ▶ cœur 심장 ▶ Punique 카르타고의 ▶ Romulides 로물루스 ▶ Facher 괴롭히다. ▶ Hadrie 하드리 ▶ Accompagné 동반하다 [영어] From the Orient will come the African heart to trouble Hadrie and the heirs of Romulus... 2023. 10. 16.
[Nostradamus]백시선 1권 8편_네 혈맥을 다시 부활시키리라 백시선(centuries) 1권(券) 8편(篇) 사행시(四行詩) [프랑스어] Combien de fois prinse Cité solaire, Seras, changeant les loi barbares & vaines Ton mal s'approche, plus seras tributaire, Le grand Hadrie recouurira tes vaines. [영어] How often will you be captured, O city of the sun ? Changing laws that are barbaric and vain. Bad times approach you. No longer will you be enslaved. Great Hadrie will revive your veins. [.. 2023. 10. 15.
[Nostradamus]백시선 1권 7편_음모자들은 어느 그룹에 14명 백시선(centuries) 1권(券) 7편(篇) 사행시(四行詩) [프랑스어] Tard arriué l'execution faite, Le vent contraire, lettres au chemin prinses Les coniurez quatorze d'vne fecte, Par le Rosseau senez les entreprinses. [영어] Arrived too late, the act has been done. The wind was against them, letters intercepted on their way. The conspirators were fourteen of a party. By Rousseau shall these enterprises be undertaken. [한국어.. 2023. 10. 14.
[Nostradamus]백시선 1권 6편_날개가 발 아래로 떨어졌을 때 백시선(centuries) 1권(券) 6편(篇) 사행시(四行詩) [프랑스어] L'œil de Rauenne sera destitué, Quand à ses pieds les aisles failliront, Les deux de Bresse auront constitué, Turin, Verseil, que Gaulois foulleront. [영어] The eye of Ravenna will be forsaken, when his wings will fail at his feet. The two of Bresse will have made a constitution for Turin and Vercelli, which the French will trample underfoot [한국어] 그의 날개가 .. 2023. 10. 9.
[Nostradamus]백시선 1권 5편_카르카손과 나르본 백시선(centuries) 1권(券) 5편(篇) 사행시(四行詩) [프랑스어] Chassez seront sans faire long combat, Par le pays seront plus fort greuez : Bourg & Cité auront plus grand debat Carcas, Narbonne, auront cœurs esprouvez, [영어] They will be driven away for a long drawn out fight. The countryside will be most grievously troubled. Town and country will have greater struggle. Carcassonne and Narbonne will have their heart.. 2023. 10. 7.
[Nostradamus]백시선 1권 4편_교황의 배를 잃게 되고 백시선(centuries) 1권(券) 4편(篇) 사행시(四行詩) [프랑스어] Par l'vniuers sera fait vn Monarque, Qu'en paix & vie ne sera longuement, Lors se perdra la piscature barque, Sera regie en plus grand detriment. [영어] In the world there will be made a king who will have little peace and a short life. At this time the ship of the Papacy will be lost, governed to its greatest detriment. [한국어] 세계에 짧은 평화를 만들어 주고 짧은 수명을 가진 .. 2023. 10. 3.
[Nostradamus]백시선 1권 3편_백색파와 적색파 백시선(centuries) 1권(券) 3편(篇) 사행시(四行詩) [프랑스어] Quand la lictiere du tourbillon versee Et seront faces de leurs manteaux couuerts, La republique par gens nouueaux vexee, Lors blancs & rouges iugeront à l'enuers. [영어] When the litters are overturned by the whirlwind and faces are covered by cloaks, the new republic will be troubled by its people. At this time the reds and the whites will rule wrongly... 2023. 10. 2.
[Nostradamus]백시선 1권 2편_신은 가까이 있고 백시선(centuries) 1권(券) 2편(篇) 사행시(四行詩) [프랑스어] La verge en main mise au milieu des branches, De l'onde il moulle le limbe & le pied, Vn peur & voix fremissent par les manches, Splendeur diuine, le diuin pres s'assied. [영어] The wand in the hand is placed in the middle of the tripod's legs. With water he sprinkles both the hem of his garment and his foot. A voice, fear: he trembles in his robes. Divin.. 2023. 10. 1.
[Nostradamus]백시선 1권 1편_믿음으로 가득찬 말 Nostradamus 백시선(centuries) 1권(券) 1편(篇) 사행시(四行詩) [프랑스어] Estant assis de nuict secret estude, Seul reposé fus la selle d'airain; Flambe exigue sortant de solitude Feit proferer qui n'est à croire en vain. [영어] Sitting alone at night in secret study; it is placed on the brass tripod. A slight flame comes out of the emptiness and makes successful that which should not be believed in vain. [한국어] 깊은 밤.. 2023. 10. 1.